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After passing the EDIC Part I exams, candidates can register for the EDIC Part II examination. However, the candidates who have failed their EDIC Part I exams must wait 12 months before reappearing for the same exam.
Preparing for EDIC PART II requires a focused study, planning, and a clear knowledge of the syllabus.
Here is a comprehensive guide to help you to ace EDIC PART II.
EDIC Part II Exam Concept:
EDIC PART II exams involve clinical assessment of the candidates’ skills. This exam typically involves oral examination and includes an “Objectively Structured Clinical Examination’’ where your ability to manage ICU cases and apply knowledge is tested. The exam is conducted online and has a duration of 2 hours.
The candidate will have to pass 3 stations.
- Clinical Case Scenario Station: The clinical knowledge will be tested within 25 minutes.
- Computer-Base Scenario: this section includes 3 stations that aim to broaden the medical knowledge and skills tested in these stations. Each station lasts for 12 mins.
- Rating and Standard Setting: To pass this station, the candidate must score a minimum point in both stations.
To pass EDIC II, a candidate must pass at least two CCS and two CBS stations. If a CCS station is split into 2 short cases, the points from both are added together and the pass mark is set for the total number of points.
Preparing for EDIC Part II requires mental stamina and focus.
Let’s dive into preparing for EDIC Part II:-
Clinical Experience:
You must have experience in the intensive care unit. Practice common ICU procedures such as; ventilation, monitoring, emergency protocols, etc.
Review Key Topics:
- The candidate must focus on respiratory, trauma, neurocritical care, brain death, organ donation, and renal.
- Prepare for managing clinical case scenarios that assess your decision-making skills
Resource Availability:
Ensure that you are up to date with the ICU guidelines and protocols. Take advantage of the resources available online and offline mode, and study from the recommended textbooks designed specifically for EDIC Part II which focuses on practical and clinical scenarios.
Most importantly enroll yourself in courses that focus on preparation for EDIC Part II.
Mock Test:
It’s always beneficial to participate in mock oral and clinical scenarios exams, as practicing under time pressure will help to build confidence and the ability to formulate case reasoning. This will help you prepare for a structured clinical assessment and recognize where you are lacking.
Review past question papers:- Review past question papers published by ESICM. This will give you an idea of the cases questioned in the exam.
COmmunication Skills:
- The EDIC PART II includes a strong focus on communication skills as you will have to justify your decision.
- practice formulating clinical reason and decision-making processes effectively.
- Focus on presenting the case logically and emphasizing the patient’s condition, management plans, and expected outcomes.
Time Management:
Manage your time by remembering that the exam typically lasts 2 hours. Practice effectively ensures that you can quickly assess the clinical situation, and make decisions within the given time period.
Final Tips
- Stay Calm: Do a light review, but don’t overdo it. Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the exam.
- Focus on Your Strengths: If there’s a topic you’re less confident about, don’t dwell on it the day before the exam. Focus on presenting your strong areas with confidence.
- Mindset: Enter the exam with a calm, positive attitude. The examiners are there to test your ability to manage critically ill patients in an ICU setting, not to catch you out.